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Anjem Choudary |
Aiheina Mullah Krekarin ja muutaman muun muslimipanttivangin vapauttaminen. 56-vuotias Krekar tuomittiin 26.3.2012 viideksi vuodeksi vankeuteen.
Anjem antoi hyviä vihjeitä järjestelmää vastaan taisteluun. Hän myös kertoi viihdyttäviä anekdootteja. Hänen unelmansa on maailmanlaajuinen islam, jihad ja, kuten Kimmo Sasi, sharia.
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Kokouksen juliste |
Videotallenne tapahtumasta:
Englanninkieliset kohdat:
Kohdassa 0.58.58
Zakhir ahaar for the invitation to speak on this occasion. My dear brothers and sisters, the messenger Mohammed salaah said: arabiaa
He said you are one arabiaa distinct of one mankind. He did not say: the Pakistanis or the Bengalis or the Moroccans or the Algerians or the Egyptians are one arabiaa.
You are one arabiaa unique among mankind: your land is one, your war is one, your peace is one. Your honor is one.
And anyone of you can represent all of you.
So, my dear brothers, we are here today inshallah to talk about the assyiah, those hostages: Sheikh Mullah Krekar, Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, Sheikh Abu, Sheikh Abu Hamza, brother , and of course sister Aafi Siddiqui, among some of them. Maybe some of them you have not heard of, some of them became very famous.
Wherever we find nowadays, my dear brothers, my sisters, we see that allah is testing the umma. But allah said in the koran:
Do not feel down, do not feel depressed: you are the best if you are believers.
Islam is superior and will never be surpassed. So as Muslims, yes, we suffer: this life is the place of test. This is the samaan of intila, of tamhis. Allah will test you with your family, with your health, with your wealth and he will as well test you with an enemy over you.
You may lose some of your own health, maybe you will lose your family, maybe some of your limbs will precede you to jemna, but ultimately, my brothers and sisters, if we abide by islam and the shariah, we have nothing to be depressed or to be down about, because inshallah in return, the contract with allah is that he will give you the jemna inshallah.
So I have one brother here inshallah who'll translate as we go along ... from time to time to give the same inshallah in your language.Kohdassa 1.03.28
My dear brothers, many of us have grown up in the West, many of us been born in Finland or in Norway or in Britain. But the unique thing about our deen is ... was sent to the black and the white, to the Arab and the non-Arab. And his objective is our objective, the objective of .. was the same objective of his own followers' and the same ...
Allah said in the koran
the messenger Muhammad ..
the guidance of the truth ought to be dominant upon the world, no matter how much ...
Therefore our objective, my dear brothers, is not to establish our deen in our home or our bastion or even only in Finland or in Britain, rather the whole world must be governed by the shariah. La illaha ilalaa.
There's nothing we worship, nothing we follow, nothing we obey, nothing we serve other than allah.
Therefore, my dear brothers, as we say, this is the promise of rasulu ...
He said: "allah showed me the East of the East, and the West of the West and the authority of my umma was..."
Kohdassa 1.05.08
Therefore, my dear brothers, we believe, in our heart, we have the akiid, that one day the whole world will be governed by the shariah and islam.
Even this Eduskunta, this Parliament of Finland will one day have the flag of la ilaha u illalaa over it.
[yleisö: Allahu akbar!]
My dear brothers and sisters, therefore happy days are ahead of us. And
over the days. This is sunna tullah, sunna attadau: sometimes we will lose the battle, sometimes we will win the battle. Allah will turn over the days, we have the ... battles where we are successful.
Eventually, my dear brothers, the kuffar, they will pay much money, they will spend much effort, but they will lose. This is the destiny for them, because allah has promised victory to the believers.
So, my dear brothers, you can see around the world today, in Europe they have the occupied phenomenon: they are fed up of democracy and freedom and liberalism. They have a lack of housing, poverty, alcohol, drugs, they have no ambition in the West. If you look at Britain, your income does not meet your everyday living expenses. The elderly have to choose between the electricity and gas and food in the winter.
There are so many people poor. The same, my brothers, in France, in Finland, in many countries in the West.
In the East what do we find? We find the Arab spring, allahu akbar. We used to have demonstrations 20 years ago where we used to say: "down, down Mubarak" and, subhan allah, Mubarak fell. And Ben Ali fell, and Khaddafi fell, and inshallah Mashar al-Ashad will fall, and Zegdari will fall, and will fall, and Maleki will fall
And all of them will fall and allah will replace them, inshallah, with the khalifa implementing the shariah and declaring jihad mubada as our own foreign policy, inshallah to liberate all of the other lands and reunite them once again.
My dears brothers, we have a very bright past, and inshallah we will have a very bright future as well.
In light of that, what I say to is you must be part of this struggle: this is a struggle that has been the time of ...
And every nabi, he struggled against the tahuud
And in our own time we have many tawahiid, we have 56 so called muslim countries, each implementing kuffar law, each of them tahuud, each of them oppressing the people, none of them implementing the shariah.
My dear brothers, if you go to India, they say "we are happy with the Hindus ruling over us."
If you go over to Pakistan, they call it for democracy.
If you go, my dear brothers, around the world, you see many people calling for kuffar, and yet you find people in the West, they have woken up, they call for the shariah in Belgium, they call for the shariah in Finland, in Norway, how is that possible?
Maybe the revival will start in the West and lead to the East, who knows? Who knows where the goodness is in this umma, my brothers. Never underestimate the good deed. Allah said in the koran:
He said you are the best umma ever risen from mankind because you command good and you forbid evil and you believe in allah.
Kohdassa 1.12.10
My dear brothers and sisters, alhamdulilla, the Muslims are rising all around the world and it is because of this that the kuffar feel the threat.
For decades, for generations, they kept the Muslims silent.
They destroyed their khilafa on the 3rd of March 1924.
They thought that was the death nail in the coffin of the Muslims, but allahu akbar, wherever we look around the world, the Muslims are in a state of revival. They call it for the khilafa and those people who speak the truth, who call for the shariah, who say that the jihad is obliged to liberate our land, who say that we must be united together and the one man who implemented divine law
They are the ones who are being targeted the way in the past, my dear brothers, those people who believed in the wahid, they were targeted the amnia by the people of bali israel.
They targeted the amnia, nowadays they target the ulama: the ulama today are like the amnia of the past .
They are the ones who are being targeted,
they are the ones they want to kill,
they are the ones they want to silence,
they are the ones who are labeled terrorists, extremists, radicals
they will wear those medallions with pride!
because that is the way they targeted and labeled the amnia before!
So you should be proud:
when they say terrorist, that means you are practicing!
when they say radical, that means you do not compromise!
when they say extremist, that means you follow!
That is the reality, my dear brothers.
There is no other reason why Sheikh Krakar and Sheikh Abdul Rahman all of these ulama are being targeted: they are in the footsteps of the amnia before.
Look at the difference, my dear brothers, between our deen and the deen of these kuffar!
Yvonne Ridley, a journalist, like these journalists, went all the way to Afganistan and she was captured by the Taliban and she became a Muslim, subhan allah.
She said: "I would rather be with the Muslims. I'm happier to swim all the way to Afganistan than to be with the Americans or the British!"
And yet, sister Aafi Siddiqui -- captured by the Americans, beaten by the Americans, raped by the Americans -- she lost her kidney, even her children, she doesn't even know where her children are.
That is the difference between this kuffar.
The corruption on the sea and the land because of man made law, my dear brothers and sisters!
you will find oppression, injustice, you will find the corruption of man made law.
that is why, my dear brothers, we need to clean the world from all of the democracies, the freedom, the secularism, the monarchy systems, all the kuffar law and make
allah said in the koran:
first declare kuffar in tahuud, then believe in allah, and you will have the most trustworthy ..
What is tahuud?
Imam Malik, he said anything not islam is tahuud.
He said, whatever you worship, whatever you obey, whatever you follow, that is tahuud unless you reject the tahuud and declare ourselves Muslims.
Give up the shariq, give up the kuffar, give up the .., give up democracy, give up freedom, give up the monarchies!
Embrace islam, my dear brothers!
Embrace the khilafa, embrace the shariah, embrace the jihad, embrace la ilaaha illalla!
Allah will give you the victory wherever you are in this .., my dear brothers.
[yleisö: Allahu akbar]
And look at the hypocrisy of these kuffars:
Nowadays, my dear brothers, if you are lucky and have a beard, you are a terrorist.
If you are kafir, you are Santa Claus living somewhere in Finland.
If a woman is covered, she is oppressed. If she is Christian, she's ..
If you have a jacket with many pockets, you know as Muslim, they say that is a suicide jacket.
For kafir, he is a mountaineer somewhere climbing a mountain, maybe in Norway or Finland.
That is our reality. The muslims are guilty until they can prove themselves innocent.
Kohdassa 1.39.10
My dear brothers and sisters,
I'm going to talk about what our responsibility is towards this, inshallah.
Hamdullilah, the Sheikh gave an example...
and how for the honor of one woman he moved the army
and you know the unique thing about this story?
he said: "what is the strongest fort of the Romans?"
he didn't say I'm going to attack anyone
he said: "what is their strongest fort?"
they said "Aamoria".
he said: "we'll begin with that"
the weak point: let's go from the top and work our way down
for the honor of one woman, my dear brothers.
Narrated by Ibn Khatir about this example, ...
issad he said the ablak can be ridden, we will ride the ablak, which is a very rare white horse.
It is taken that the Romans at that time had 60 ablak and they had in their army of 70 000, he came with 70 000 soldiers.
Issad he had with him 4 000 ablak, the Romans had 60 altogether.
There is the magnificence of the khilafa and the shariah when it is implemented. And there are many examples of .., my dear brothers .
We have the example of Hakam Benhicham. You know Hakam Benhicham?
This the story, my dear brothers of Andalucia, Spain, yes: Andalucia, Spain.
The shariah was implemented in Spain for over 800 years.
When the British in England were throwing their fecies out of the window, they had running water in Spain.
They had ...
they had hospitals
they had libraries
they had pavements
they had street lights
Over 4 000 books in just a house of a normal imam ...
400 000 books in the main library in Cordoba.
The French at that time in their own library had 50 books, 45 of them were bibles.
This is the difference between our own history and their history.
They talk about the Dark Ages... Dark for them, very bright for us, as Muslims!
Hakam Benhicham, my dear brothers and sisters:
The year is 196 and the crusaders raided a caravan. And they killed a mother, a father and two brothers of one girl. And this girl was only 18 years and the crusaders took her to Granada. The king of Granada at that time, he said: "I've tasted all women except the Muslim woman". And he raped her continuously.
Until she said ...
How many people nowadays, they say, umma, oh umma where are you?
they said allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar!
to response to the needs of
there's one woman is needy of our help
And this particular Hakam Benhicham, he was the governor of Andalucia. He said to his own wife: "You are haraam for me, I cannot have a relationship with you until I free this sister".
And then they went, three cities had been destroyed until they reached Granada, the fourth city.
And they said to the guards at the gates of Granada: "we are looking for a woman. We don't know her name, just that she was taken by the king."
we have pictures nowadays, photographs,
we have photos
we know all the details,
they didn't even know her name of the woman
but we know were she was captured
and the message being sent to the king of Granada, he said "over my dead body, i will never release her."
- "We will give the booty of every city that we attacked."
All this for one woman to be released. He said: "no."
So they attacked the city, they freed her and executed the king.
When he reached home, the wife of this wali, she said to him: "you made me haraam for you, for this woman. I am now haraam until you marry her." And she said: "I will pay the dowry.", and she agreed. She said it's better to be in the captivity of Muslim than ...
Nowadays ...
Kohdassa 1.49.55
My dear brothers, there are three ways from the sunna of rasulu la.. to free the prisoners
one of the ways
there is no amount of money that is enough
to free one person from captivity
however much,
even if you give all of the money
it is not enough to free one person from captivity
The second way, my dear brothers and sisters, is to free .. from captivity
you have the capability to free them and to reunite with the ummah
many people been freed in Irak, in Afganistan, in Tunisia, in Yemen
the ability to free them
allahu akbar
and that is the other way
Who knows, maybe we'll establish the khilafa and the shariah and then we come and we free them ourselves from the prisons of America.
Who knows?
The third way is to exchange them: nowadays there are many non Muslims already in captivity in Muslim countries. They can be offered in return for our own brothers and sisters held in the West. People like ...
Even if give all of them for just one, it is enough
islam is superior ...
imam ... said the .. of a Muslim is worth more than all of the kuffar put together
our own situation
those are the three ways. But if you cannot do those, then there are many ways in which you can support the .. and I want to mention just some of
and I'm going to end there
For example, you can collect money to pay for their bail
sometimes they give ridiculous sums for bail, they say we will not give them bail unless you have 100 000 or 150 000 pounds, or even half a million.
a shortage of money
this is one of the ways is to pay
another way, to pay for their debts
A third way: to arrange transport for their family, their wives, their children
to visit them, to ensure that the situation is covered
one of the worst things that can happen to you, my dear brothers,
We have many leaflets and pamphlets that we can give you.
and this, my dear brothers, is not something we do as a favor as I said, this is an obligation upon us.
so lastly, my dear brothers and sisters
for inviting me to this conference
and all the hospitality
Obviously, this our love for each other as Muslims and you know, when we look at each other, you are the brother and the sister of rasulu la ...
So we should love each other and we should support each other.
said .. "my brother, my brothers!"
The sahaab said: "are we your brothers?"
"you are my companions, my brothers will come after me!"
they will believe
the sahaab used to be jealous
they said "we wished we were your brothers!"
he said: "the prayer of one of them is worth 50 of yours."
they said: "50 of ours or 50 of theirs?"
he said: "50 of yours!"
he said, "because you have with you nabi and they will have no nabi with them."
So, my dear brothers, you have a big opportunity for reward nowadays
to struggle the way they used to struggle
to establish the shariah the way they used to establish the shariah
to free the assiyah the way they used to free the assiyah
to command good and forbid evil the way they used to command good and forbid evil
wherever you are in the world, my dear brothers, allah is mukallif, we are mukallaf, the whole world is ...
Wherever we are in the world, rasulu la... was sent to the black and the white, to the Arab and the non-Arab.
So we will establish the shariah wherever we are
If you cannot work for it, make hijra
but don't say to yourself: "I'm here on holiday."
You are part of a global umma, my dear brothers, and together we can be strong, together, inshallah, we can defeat all of the enemies of islam and the Muslims and free all of the assiyah and establish the shariah, inshallah, in our time.
Many people say: "maybe in the time of our own children."
How about if we establish the khilafa as gift for our children so they can live under it?
Isn't that better?
Kohdassa 1.59.26: Jotain ulinaa
Päivitys 4.4.2013
IS 2.4.2013: Kohumuslimin Suomi-julistus tallentui videolle: tämä sai yleisön huutamaan allahia
IS 3.4.2013:
Miksi bloggarin etnisyys mainittu? Blogiin on muuten koottu kaikki englanninkieliset kohdat, ei pelkästään Suomea koskevat.
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MTV3 2.4.2013: Islam-asiantuntija viittaa kintaalla muslimisaarnaajalle: "Extremeä hihhuliporukkaa"
Professori Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila Helsingin yliopistosta pitää Suomessa vierailleen muslimisaarnaajan puheita täytenä palturina. Radikaali muslimisaarnaaja Anjem Choudary luennoi Helsingissä kiirastorstaina.
Hämeen-Anttilan mukaan saarnaaja edustaa "extremeä hihhuliporukkaa", joten puheita ei kannata ottaa vakavasti.
- Tällaiset luennoitsijat edustavat vain hyvin pieniä piirejä, islamin tutkimuksen professori Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila sanoo.
Vastaavanlaisia jyrkkiä radikaaleja muslimisaarnaajia on Hämeen-Anttilan mukaan Euroopassa ehkä muutama kymmenen.
- Pakistan ja Saudi-Arabia rahoittavat useimmiten jyrkemmän linjan muslimijohtajia, mutta kyseinen Anjem Choudary voidaan kyllä luokitella hyvin jyrkäksi. Ei näitä jyrkän linjan saarnaajia ole kovin paljon, ja niitä pitää Suomeenkin tuottaa ulkopuolelta, Hämeen-Anttila huomauttaa.
Hämeen-Anttila ei ole perehtynyt sen kummemmin radikaalin muslimisaarnaajan Suomeen tulon taustoihin, mutta arvelee, että mies pyrkii kiertämään kaikissa hieman pienemmissäkin maissa levittämässä viestiä.
- Toisaalta voihan olla, että hänet on täältäkin kutsuttu, mutta ehkä on kuitenkin todennäköisempää, että hänen taustaorganisaationsa haluaa kierrättää häntä, Hämeen-Anttila pohtii.
Lopun ajan ennustukset kuuluvat islamiin
Anjem Choudary on tunnettu muslimijohtaja Britanniassa, jossa hänen johtamansa Islam4UK-järjestö kiellettiin terrorismilain perusteella 2010.
- Yhdysvalloissa ja Iso-Britanniassa on kova halu korostaa terrorin uhkaa, joten välillä tuntuu, että siellä hieman heppoisinkin perustein leimataan ihmisiä. Joukossa on toki oikeasti toimivia terrorijärjestöjä, mutta myöskin väkivaltaan yllyttäviä toimijoita. Tässä tapauksessa kysymys on käsittääkseni tästä jälkimmäisestä, Hämeen-Anttila sanoo.
Radikaali muslimisaarnaaja Anjem Choudary on puheessaan julistanut muun muassa sitä, kuinka "jumalamme laki tulee vielä hallitsemaan maailmassa ja korvaamaan ihmisten tekemät lait".
Hämeen-Anttila muistuttaa, että islamilaisessa maailmassa eskatologia eli viimeisten päivien kysymykset ovat ihan eri tavalla saarnoissa esillä kuin meillä. Meillä papit harvoin saarnaavat lopun tulemisesta. Islamilaisessa eskatologiassa historian loputtua koko maailma on islamilainen.
- Tämäntyyppiset ajatukset saattavat siis eskatologisessa kontekstissa nousta esille, joten niitä ei kannata ottaa tässä yhteydessä vakavasti, Hämeen-Anttila valaisee.
Supon mukaan mukaan järjestäytyneen radikaali-islamistisen tai muun terrorismin uhka suoraan Suomea kohtaan on edelleen vähäinen. Suomi ei esimerkiksi radikaali-islamististen näkökulmasta ole merkittävä kohdealue väkivaltaiselle toiminnalle.
Hämeen-Anttilahan olisi voinut kääntää arabiankieliset kohdat ja selittää meille maallikoille, mitä Choudary tarkalleen tarkoittaa eikä vain ennakkoluuloisesti leimata mielipiteitä.
Jossain uutisessa kerrottiin, että puhujia oli neljä, mutta yksihän noista tulkkaa Choudaryn puheet kurdiksi (?) välittömästi englanninkielisen osuuden jälkeen.
Mielenkiintoista olisi tietää, miksi Choudary käyttää (arabialla höystettyä) englantia? Hänen englantihan on aika heikkotasoista. Ei uskoisi, että hän on notkunut elämänsä Britanniassa ja nuorempana kitannut kaljaa baareissa.
Kohdassa 1.01.07:
Allah will test you with your family, with your health, with your wealth and he will as well test you with an enemy over you.Tämä voidaan tulkita niin, että Choudary hyväksyy mm. itsemurhapommit koska epämääräisesti puhuu toiminnasta, jossa voi menettää raajansa, eli luultavasti räjähteisiin liittyvää (jemna = paratiisi).
You may lose some of your own health, maybe you will lose your family, maybe some of your limbs will precede you to jemna, but ultimately, my brothers and sisters, if we abide by islam and the shariah, we have nothing to be depressed or to be down about, because inshallah in return, the contract with allah is that he will give you the jemna inshallah.
Miten Hämeen-Anttila kommentoisi tätä vainoharhaisen oloista öyhötystä:
For decades, for generations, they kept the Muslims silent. They destroyed their khilafa on the 3rd of March 1924.
They are the ones who are being targeted the way in the past, my dear brothers, those people who believed in the wahid, they were targeted the amnia by the people of bali israel.
They targeted the amnia, nowadays they target the ulama: the ulama today are like the amnia of the past .
They are the ones who are being targeted,
they are the ones they want to kill,
they are the ones they want to silence,
they are the ones who are labeled terrorists, extremists, radicals
they will wear those medallions with pride!
because that is the way they targeted and labeled the amnia before!
So you should be proud:
when they say terrorist, that means you are practicing!
when they say radical, that means you do not compromise!
when they say extremist, that means you follow!
That is the reality, my dear brothers.
(Ulama refers to the educated class of Muslim legal scholars engaged in the several fields of Islamic studies. They are best known as the arbiters of sharia law. While the ulama are well versed in legal fiqh (jurisprudence) being Islamic lawyers, some of them also go on to specialize in other fields, such as hadith or tafseer.)
"Targeted/target" esiintyy 7 kertaa.
Kohdassa 1.14.00:
There is no other reason why Sheikh Krakar and Sheikh Abdul Rahman all of these ulama are being targeted: they are in the footsteps of the amnia before.
No other reason except: Rähmispossu kertoo Sheikh Krakarista:
"No other reason"... Mikä vitun amnia?
Kohdassa 1.14.12:
Look at the difference, my dear brothers, between our deen and the deen of these kuffar!
Tässä on rajua me-he -jaottelua, uskontorasismia ja kiihottamista. (deen = uskonto, kuffar = ei-muslimi, vääräuskoinen)
Kohdassa 1.14.17:
Yvonne Ridley, a journalist, like these journalists, went all the way to Afganistan and she was captured by the Taliban and she became a Muslim, subhan allah.
She said: "I would rather be with the Muslims. I'm happier to swim all the way to Afganistan than to be with the Americans or the British!"
And yet, sister Aafi Siddiqui -- captured by the Americans, beaten by the Americans, raped by the Americans -- she lost her kidney, even her children, she doesn't even know where her children are.
That is the difference between this kuffar.
Choudary viittaa näihin:
Guardian 6.6.2008
She was the British journalist captured by the Taliban trying to get into Afghanistan wearing a burka. Now she is a convert to Islam and a fierce critic of the West.
Aafia_Siddiqui Wikipedia
In March of 2003, she was named as a courier and financier for al-Qaida by Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and was placed on a "wanted for questioning" list by the FBI. She subsequently disappeared until she was arrested in Ghazni, Afghanistan with documents and notes for making bombs plus containers of sodium cyanide. Siddiqui was indicted in New York Federal District Court in September 2008 on charges of attempted murder and assault stemming from an incident from an interview with US authorities in Ghazni, charges which Siddiqui has strenuously denied. After 18 months in detention, she was tried and convicted in early 2010 and sentenced to 86 years.
Eikö tämä ole pelkkää päätöntä öyhötystä:
The corruption on the sea and the land because of man made law, my dear brothers and sisters!
You will find oppression, injustice, you will find the corruption of man made law.
That is why, my dear brothers, we need to clean the world from all of the democracies, the freedom, the secularism, the monarchy systems, all the kuffar law
Give up the shariq, give up the kuffar, give up the .., give up democracy, give up freedom, give up the monarchies!
Embrace islam, my dear brothers!
Embrace the khilafa, embrace the shariah, embrace the jihad, embrace la ilaaha illalla!
Tuossa Choudary oli kiihkeimmillään, tuntui että oli menettämässä äänensä.
Choudary kertoo piilorasismista ja vääräuskoisten ennakkoluuloista kohdassa 1.16.03:
And look at the hypocrisy of these kuffars:
Nowadays, my dear brothers, if you are lucky and have a beard, you are a terrorist.
If you are kafir, you are Santa Claus living somewhere in Finland.
If a woman is covered, she is oppressed. If she is Christian, she's ..
If you have a jacket with many pockets, you know as Muslim, they say that is a suicide jacket.
For kafir, he is a mountaineer somewhere climbing a mountain, maybe in Norway or Finland.
That is our reality. The muslims are guilty until they can prove themselves innocent.
Eli jos olet parrakas muslimi, olet terroristi, kun taas parrakas pottunokka on joulupukki.
Jos muslimilla on paljon taskuja takissaan, hän on räjäyttämässä itsensä, pottunokka taas on vuorikiipeilijä.
Kohdassa 1.39.10 Choudary aloittaa Ibn Khatirin tarinan
Issad he said the ablak can be ridden, we will ride the ablak, which is a very rare white horse.
It is taken that the Romans at that time had 60 ablak and they had in their army of 70 000, he came with 70 000 soldiers.
Issad he had with him 4 000 ablak, the Romans had 60 altogether.
There is the magnificence of the khilafa and the shariah when it is implemented.
Eli jossain taistelussa roomalaisia vastaan jollakin Issadilla oli 4 000 hevosta ja roomalaisia vain 60. Tämä on Choudaryn mielestä todiste sharia-lain ylivoimasta. Kuulisin mielelläni Hämeen-Anttilan kommentteja tähän väitteeseen.
Hän kertoo myös Hakam Benhichamista, joka oli Andalusian kuvernööri vuonna 196 (huom. 196 hijri eli vuosi 812):
The year is 196 and the crusaders raided a caravan. And they killed a mother, a father and two brothers of one girl. And this girl was only 18 years and the crusaders took her to Granada. The king of Granada at that time, he said: "I've tasted all women except the Muslim woman". And he raped her continuously.
How many people nowadays, they say, umma, oh umma where are you?
they said allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar!
And this particular Hakam Benhicham, he was the governor of Andalucia. He said to his own wife: "You are haraam for me, I cannot have a relationship with you until I free this sister".
And then they went, three cities had been destroyed until they reached Granada, the fourth city.
Tyyppi on siis alueen kuvernööri, mutta lähtee raivoisalle ryöstöretkelle ja tuhoaa kolme kaupunkia yhden kidnapatun tytön takia. Onko tämä niitä sharia-lain etuja?
And they said to the guards at the gates of Granada: "we are looking for a woman. We don't know her name, just that she was taken by the king."
And the message being sent to the king of Granada, he said "over my dead body, i will never release her."
- "We will give the booty of every city that we attacked."
All this for one woman to be released. He said: "no."
So they attacked the city, they freed her and executed the king.
Neljäs kaupunki tuhottu.
When he reached home, the wife of this wali, she said to him: "you made me haraam for you, for this woman. I am now haraam until you marry her." And she said: "I will pay the dowry.", and she agreed. She said it's better to be in the captivity of Muslim than ...
Loppu hyvin, kaikki hyvin: kuvernööri meni naimisiin kidnapatun tytön kanssa ja ensimmäinen vaimo suostui jopa maksamaan kulut. Tämä on esimerkki sharia-lain ylivoimaisuudesta.
Kohdassa 1.49.55, 3 tapaa auttaa panttivankeja:
My dear brothers, there are three ways from the sunna of rasulu la.. to free the prisoners
one of the ways
there is no amount of money that is enough
to free one person from captivity
however much,
even if you give all of the money
it is not enough to free one person from captivity
1. tapa on antaa rahaa, mutta kellään ei ole tarpeeksi rahaa vapauttamiseen.
The second way, my dear brothers and sisters, is to free .. from captivity2. tapa on käydä itse vapauttamassa panttivangit, kuten Irakissa ym. on tehty.
you have the capability to free them and to reunite with the ummah
many people been freed in Irak, in Afganistan, in Tunisia, in Yemen
hamdulillahi... the ability to free them, allahu akbar...
And that is the other way.
Who knows, maybe we'll establish the khilafa and the shariah and then we come and we free them ourselves from the prisons of America.
Who knows?
Huom. tässä Choudary siis yllyttää rikolliseen toimintaan.
Who knows, maybe we'll establish the khilafa and the shariah and then we come and we free them ourselves from the prisons of America.
Who knows?
Yeah, who knows.
imam ... said the .. of a Muslim is worth more than all of the kuffar put togetherMe-he -jaottelua, uskontorasismia ja kiihottamista.
Choudary jatkaa tavoista auttaa panttivankeja:
For example, you can collect money to pay for their bail
sometimes they give ridiculous sums for bail, they say we will not give them bail unless you have 100 000 or 150 000 pounds, or even half a million.
another way, to pay for their debts
A third way: to arrange transport for their family, their wives, their children
to visit them, to ensure that the situation is covered
Choudary kertoo lopuksi tarinan sahaabista:
said .. "my brother, my brothers!"
The sahaab said: "are we your brothers?"
"you are my companions, my brothers will come after me!"
they will believe
the sahaab used to be jealous
they said "we wished we were your brothers!"
he said: "the prayer of one of them is worth 50 of yours."
they said: "50 of ours or 50 of theirs?"
he said: "50 of yours!"
he said, "because you have with you a nabi and they will have no nabi with them."
(nabi = profeetta)
We will establish the shariah wherever we are.
If you cannot work for it, make hijra, but don't say to yourself: "I'm here on holiday."
You are part of a global umma, my dear brothers, and together we can be strong. Together we can defeat all of the enemies of islam and the Muslims and free all of the assiyah and establish the shariah, inshallah, in our time.
Many people say: "maybe in the time of our own children."
How about we establish the khilafa as gift for our children so they can live under it?
Isn't that better?
Sure, why not!
HS 4.2013: Supo: Radikaalien vierailuja on vaikea estää
"Teidän tulee olla ylpeitä: kun he sanovat terroristi, se tarkoittaa, että te harjoittelette. Kun he sanovat radikaali, se tarkoittaa, että ette tee kompromisseja."
Olisiko kysymys kuitenkin uskonnon harjoittamisesta?
So you should be proud:
when they say terrorist, that means you are practicing!
Choudary ennen
Choudary nykyään
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Choudary nykyään |
Allah on suuri. Muutti Fostersin avulla reippaan nuoren miehen reippaaksi Coca-Colaa juovaksi terroristiksi.
VastaaPoista"Even this Eduskunta, this Parliament of Finland will one day have the flag of la ilaha u illalaa over it."
VastaaPoistaHöh. Mikä ihmeen "one day"? Miksi odottaa?! Sehän onnistuu vaikka huomenna! Ottaa vain yhteyttä johonkin talossa työskentelevään ja sanoo, että käypäs aamulla vetäisemässä se meidän lippu salkoon hulmuamaan.
Pirautapas, Anjem, vaikka Kimmolle.
Toi Twitter-tili mistä on kuvakaappaus (https://twitter.com/anjemchoudary_) on feikki, tässä anjem choudaryn aito Twitter-tili: https://twitter.com/anjemchoudary
VastaaPoistaToi mitä quottasit on tehty aidon näköiseksi, siihen on jopa laitettu taustakuva niin että toi verified-symboli tulee juuri oikeeseen kohtaan luoden illuusion aidosta tilistä, mut kyl olis ehkä pitänyt hälytyskellot soida kun noi on aika trollailevia noi päivitykset [esim. "Until then let me travel on UK kufr taxpayer's money :)" olisi ehkä vähän yliammutun räikee heitto jopa anjemin mittapuulla]
Kiitos huomautuksesta. Kuvakaappaus oli facebook-tilistä, joka on yhdistettynä mainitsemaasi feikki- twitter-tiliin.
PoistaAika paljon jotkut näkevät vaivaa väärennöksiin:
"Aiheina Mullah Krekarin ja muutaman muun muslimipanttivangin vapauttaminen"
VastaaPoistaEivät nämä taida panttivankeja olla, vaan ihan normaalin oikeusvaltion rikoslain nojalla vankeusrangaistukseen tuomittuja henkilöitä.
Tietysti islamisteillehan se ei kelpaa, koska he eivät tunnusta mitään oikeusvaltioita tai niissä säädettyjä lakeja, vaan pelkän sharia-lain, jonka uskovat olevan jumalan laatima. Siksi he puhuvat "panttivangeista", kun me länsimaiset sekulaarit liberalistit ja oikeusvaltion kannattajat puhumme vangeista.
parhaat kiitokset, junes, tuosta transkriptiosta. uskomatonta retoriikkaa, ja eksploitatiivista käytöstä ao henkilöltä, jonka nimeä en viitsi edes mainita. vapaamatkustajia on iso-britanniassa. olen todella pettynyt, että tämän henkilön on sallittu matkustaa maahamme progandatilaisuutta pitämään, ja kylvämään pahansuopaisuutta. se ei ole meidän länsimaisen ajatusmaailmamme mukaista. muslimivangit ovat tehneet jotain demokraattisten arvojen vastaista, ja siksi ovat vangittuina. toisaalta, länsimaissa heidän toilauksiaan ja nyansaseitaan kyllä sallitaan. ystäväsi maarit aka esperanza toivonen
VastaaPoistaOliko yleisönä Suomessa vain kurdeja? Mistä tämä johtuu?
VastaaPoistaLapset ovat kuin kukkia, ne kasvavat
VastaaPoistaMakea ja kaunis tiedät
Cherish kukat, jotka kasvavat
sillä he eivät voi elää kauan kaikki tiedätte
Olkoot ne kissed suns säteet
ja tulkoon sadepäivinä
mikään ei ole niin kaunis kuin alkuunsa
että jonain päivänä he loistava kuin niiden pitäisi
antaa heille rakkautta ja keskustella heidän mielessään
isona he maksavat u luontoissuorituksina
Kesällä sade he eivät koskaan taivu
mutta seisomaan suorassa loppuun
kukat kuolevat ja kylvää siemenet
ja luonnon Bountiful tarpeisiin
anna heidän leikkiä luonnon lelut
ja ne ovat hyviä tyttöjä ja poikia
niitä ei koskaan tulisi otti Garden
poimittu poljettu Anteeksi
hakemaan ne kuivaa ne he kuihtuvat pois
pitää heidät sängyssä toiseen kertaan
nämä pikku kaunottaret ovat taivaat lahja
vahvaksi lentää kuin nopea
Älä rajata rikkakasvien kun nuori
että on täysin itsekkäästi väärin
anna rikkaruohojen kasvaa ja lisääntyä
anna heidän venyttää ylös taivaalle
ja saada korkeat hi!
luonnon hyvyyttä aarre kaikkien nähtävillä
ei vain tykkää u ja minä
ne ovat osa ekosysteemiä
Nyt tiedemies vaatimus
mennyt hyvää ja taivas muuttuu tummemmaksi
kevätmallisto me harken
pretty pretty hearts tanssi ympäriinsä
niiden alkuaikoina mennyt maahan
kuten nightinggale laulaa surullinen laulu
vaalimme niitä onnellisia entisajan pitkä
hymy ja nauru he tekevät din
hiljaa nyt ole, jos nähdään
Missä he ovat nyt ne lähteneet pesästä
lensi pois laittaa elämänsä testata
Aikuiset ovat isoja lapsia usein toteamme
pieni poika ja tyttö näemme näin
kun lapset ovat revitty
mistä äiti tai isä, jonka japanilainen tuomioistuin
tällainen elämä lapsille he eivät kykene selviytymään
heidän äiditön isätön elämä ole oikeudenmukaista
joka vie heidät säilössä
kumpikaan äiti isä mutta Authority
Indoktrinaatio heillä varastossa
he myydä ne pois kuin huora
Koulun heitä huijata heitä tekemään therm idiootteja
sulhasen niitä karsia niitä laittaa ne ruukuissa
historia tiede matematiikan ja maantiedon
nämä pikku aivot mennä yliopistoon
läpäise on hermoromahduksen
antaa heille rullalle paperinpala
kohtelevat heitä kuin pelle
he sanovat, että se ei ole mitä tiedät se on kuka
hyvin miksi kaikki tämä koulunkäynti tehdä
jos se tarttuu ulos lyödä se takaisin
Emme halua nuorten vastenmielinen
seksikäs huumeita ja rock rulla
pitää heidät kaukana kaikesta
opettaa heille kuin mitä he tekevät
katso ja kuuntele oppia ansiot
maailma on nurjahdus paineita
tallenna se kipua
meidän tuotanto on tuhoisa voima
Meidän pitäisi tehdä koulunkäynnin kurssin
ekologia luonnon järjestelmässä meidän on opittava
tulevaisuuden lastemme on meille
katso mitä teemme tälle planeetalle
meidän ns johtaja tarvitsee potkun takapuoleen
räppäävät hyödyntää resursseja voittoa
kuinka voimme pysäyttää sen
luonto on väsynyt kaikilla rintamilla
tarjoavat elävä meille typerä cunts
meidän lasten tulevaisuus vaakalaudalla
kuuluvat kuiluun ei vitun mahdollisuus
kun se alkaa laskea ja murentua
Historiamme tekee meistä nöyriä
Meillä ei ole aikaa antaa mennä crackin
lopettaa nämä sodat ja attackin
yhdessä asetettu marsalkka suunnitelma
pelastaa planeetan lastemme
Se on meidän velvollisuutemme todella
vanhimmat on otettava ohjat käsiinsä
enää keskustelukerho, joka ei riitä
toiminta ei sanoja thats juttuja ja nonesense
meillä on ollut hyvä vai huono
Olen varma voimme tehdä Olen iloinen
Lopetan tämän runouden ja tee se nyt
jotenkin jotenkin
pieni puutarha Rain
Voi rakas selkääni mitä kipu!
No meidän elämä on mitä tehdään mahdollisuudet ja kamppailu
epäonnea joskus siunaus
Mitä ikinä teetkin, älä tee fruggy friggle
jotain keksiä pian
Copy rights Andrew Waddington
Onko tämä fobbarunoutta?
Poista"Cherish kukat, jotka kasvavat"
Vois vähemmän sitä kukkaa.
"Lopetan tämän runouden"
Tämä on vähän offtopic, mutta rullasin tekstin vain nopeasti läpi, ja joka kerta, kun teksti pysähtyi hetkeksi ennen uutta rullanpyöräytystä, jossain kohtaa tekstiä luki "brothers and sisters". Koomista.
VastaaPoistaJuu, ei mulla muuta. :S
Bilal Philips ei pääse Suomeen joten 20 euron lipunhinta palautetaan sen maksaneille. Paljonko Choudharyn tilaisuuteen oli pääsymaksu ja onko siitä maksettu alv:t verottajalle?